
Rotary Club of Monterey Bay Passport Photo Gallery

Paul Harris Society / Fellows
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Paul Harris Society / Fellows
Rotary Club of Monterey Bay Passport Luau (2023)
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A selection of photos from the Chartered Kick off event for The Rotary Club of Monterey Bay Passport. A great time to celebrate Our rotary passport club and to support our other rotary clubs. Props to Joy Anderson and Deb Linden for coordinating this event along with the Committee that help put on this event.
Holiday White Elephant gift exchange (2023)
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A vacuum sealer and a Rotary briefcase were the top two most sought out gifts!!
New Members
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Monthly The Rotary Club of Monterey Bay Passport inducts new members!!!
For the Holidays The RCMBP adopted 20 foster boys (Dec 2023)
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We had some gift wrapping to do -
November Meeting (2023)
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We assembled 300 goodie bags for the Interim Thanksgiving lunch, learned about the District wide blood drive and how to participate, held election of officers for the 2024-2025 Rotary year where we elected Jared Wiegand as our president elect, and announcing the various volunteer opportunities for the holidays. We are certainly People of Action!
RCMBP volunteering at Weather Tech Laguna Seca (2023)
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We volunteered at a number of events including the Rolex Monterey Motorsports Reunion classic, the Grand Prix of Monterey IndyCar Races and the Porsche Reunion end of September 2023. Rainy Weekend - We improvised "raingear" for the Gate crew!
Club Events
Club Leaders